When you need to make the same changes to multiple deficiencies at a time the bulk editing functionality can be used to save time, the Bulk editing functionality offers ability to make changes to the following:
1. Change Issue Status
2. Change Assignee
3. Update Issue Tags
4. Change Archive Status
In order to make a change, please follow the below steps:
1. Go to Home Pro Admin
2. Click on Issues tab
3. Apply any necessary filters so that your list only contains issues that you want to bulk update
4. Check the square box at top of the list if you need to select all the issues, else you may check the desired issues
Note: you can change the number of issues shown on the page by selecting the "x / page" filter at bottom of the list. The options are 10, 20, 50, and 100 issues per page, if you show more issues on the page then the select all option will allow you to make up to 100 bulk changes at a time.
5. Once you select all the issues you want to update, the bulk edit button will show up in blue.
5. Pop up screen will show up which will give you options to change :
a. Change Issue Status- You can change the status of one or multiple issues as per the default list
b. Change assigned to- You can reassign issues to some other assignee
c. Update Issue Tags- You may remove, add or overwrite tags associated in the issues
d. Change archive status- Change active to archive or vice versa
An example mentioned in below screenshot-
6. You may select to send/not send email notifications to ticket participants