Welcome to the Tribe Home Help Centre

My Balance Opt In - Web version


My Balance is a feature only available to Owners* in Tribe managed buildings.

A one-time opt process is required before making payments. Please follow the steps below:


1) Log in to Tribe Home

2) Click on My Balance on the left menu bar


3) If you own multiple units, Tribe Home will ask you to select your unit, otherwise this screen will not appear.

select unit for SMB.png

Press the Opt-In to use My Balance button.

SMB Opt in.png

Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 1.44.21 PM.png

Owners can view and pay Strata and Residential balances however, this feature is not available for Commercial Balances or payments.

To learn how to make a payment by credit card, click here

* Owner representatives can request to use this feature.  Sorry! Agents for tenanted suites do not have access to this feature.


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