Welcome to the Tribe Home Help Centre



To view the unit details tap the "view unit details button" below the unit number.  The information displayed consists of the following:

  • Purchasers Name(s)
  • Contact information
  • Warranty (if you choose to enter the dates for each unit)
  • Spaces associated with the suite.



Capturing Deficiencies

1.  Tap on the unit number from the left you wish to record a deficiency for 


2. Tap on the 'New Inspection' button

3. Name Your Inspection. 

  • Type in an inspection name if you have not captured a inspection yet. 
  • If you have captured an inspection before, you can click on the appropriate inspection name in the list

NOTE: Keep your inspection names consistent (this provides easy filtering of your reports). The inspection name provides a way to separate the deficiencies captured for that unit. 

For example, before the homeowner walkthrough many customer care teams will complete walkthroughs to ensure that deficiencies are logged and fixed before the homeowner sees their unit.   In below example there are two inspections: Quality Control and Homeowner Walkthrough to ensure that the deficiencies captured are separate from each other.



4. Once you have entered the appropriate name for your inspection, tap start button to create the inspection and you will be taken to the inspection screen


At the top of the screen, you will notice four functions:

  1. Tap edit to rename your inspection
  2. Tap Generate inspection Report once a homeowner walkthrough is complete to sign off on the report and generate a PDF report.
  3. Tap Download issues to download the summary of deficiencies into PDF.  
  4. Tap the + New Issue button to document deficiencies.


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