Updating an Amenity
- Go to Amenities in the left side bar
- Select the amenity you'd like to update and click Edit.
As an administrator, you can view & update the following:
- Amenity Name
- Image - Upload an image of the amenity
- Description - Provide a brief description of this amenity including references to bylaws, if applicable
- Location - (optional) Select the building and floor where the amenity is located.
- Additional Notes
- Add a link to a website - (Optional) A call to action button can be used to redirect users to external or internal URL. Enter the button name & URL
Opening Hours
Choose from always open or specific opening hours
Booking Settings
Choose from not booking or can be booked
As an administrator, you can view & update the following:
Assignee - If the amenity is bookable, input registered Tribe Home Administrators who will be responsible for reviewing/approving/denying requests. If the amenity is not bookable, inputting a user will receive email notifications when booking requests are submitted.
- Booking settings - provide any additional information relevant to this booking.
- Attach File - Add relevant files such as bylaws or rules related to the amenity.
- Amenity Booking increments - Choose from 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes.
- Maximum Booking Duration - Choose 0-6 hours and 0 or 30 minutes time slot for this amenity booking.
- Minimum Booking Duration - Choose 0-6 hours and 0 or 30 minutes time slot for this amenity booking.
Click Save when the settings have been updated.
Blocked Off Time Section
Utilize this feature to restrict community members from scheduling a specific time for routine or one-time servicing and maintenance.
How to add Blocked Off Time
- Click the add an event
- Enter the Title of the event
- Set the occurrence (One time, daily, or weekly)
- Select the date, start time, and duration of the event
- Click on the "add event" button when done
How to delete a Blocked Off event
- Click on the arrow on the event you wish to delete
- Click Delete to remove the Blocked off time.
How to view Activity History
This section will allow you to see all of the blocked off events for the amenity.
- Click on the arrow on the event you wish to see more details on (Dates, frequency & timing)
- To update the page to show more entries, click on the 10/page to select a higher number of visible entries. You can also click on the arrows to navigate between pages.