When your community joins Tribe Home, your Community Administrator(s) are responsible for sending invitations for residents to join the community and managing users.
Note: If you have not received an invitation, you can send a request to join your community. Read this article: Request to Join a Community.
Note: you will need an active email account to receive your invitation.
Below is an example of a Tribe Home email notification to join your community.
Note: The subject of the invitation should be "You’ve been added to [Your Community Name]".
After clicking 'Sign In,' you will be directed to a browser window where you will create a secure eight characters or longer password.
You can click on the Terms & Privacy or Get Help links to read our documentation on the usage of Tribe Home.
Then, click Sign In to finish the account creation process.
Note: You can access the Tribe Home Community Guidelines when logged into your community. It is shown on the left sidebar under About Tribe Home.