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Editing or Deleting Folders and Documents


Documents and folders can be renamed or delete anytime. To do either click on Community Documents in the left menu

Editing a Folder or File

  • Press the selector icon and click the Edit optionScreen Shot 2023-10-19 at 3.31.42 PM.png

 You can easily:

  1. Update a folder or file name
  2. Change/ Update the visibility of the contents within the folder

Screen Shot 2023-10-19 at 3.33.04 PM.png

    3.  Click Save once your edits are complete

Deleting a Folder or File

Folders and files can also be deleted by pressing the selector icon and selecting the delete option

* All documents must also be deleted within a folder before you can delete them. 

Move Documents

Instead of deleting and re-uploading files, files can be moved to another folder.  To move a file, select the file or files you want to move by pressing the check box shown beside the file(s)

Press the Move to Folder button

Select the folder in which you would like to move the file(s) to

Press the Move Items


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